
Revelation – Mark Hitchcock

(2 customer reviews)


1,500+ Slides • 27 Video Sessions • 323 Page Workbook (with Q/A at the End 

Dr. Mark Hitchcock is an Adjuct Professor of Biblical Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary and the Senior Pastor at Faith Bible Church in Edmond, OK. He has written or contributed to over 27 books on biblical prophecy. This class covers the entire book of Revelation and addresses many issues Christians debate to this day.



Revelation is a book that a lot of folks have difficulty understanding. The apocalyptic imagery, prophetic content, and symbolic language add to it’s seeming opacity.

This Credo Course features Dr. Mark Hitchcock. Dr. Hitchcock has written over twenty books on Revelation, prophecy, and related topics. He steps through Revelation chapter-by-chapter over twenty-seven sessions.

Dr. Hitchcock takes a futuristic, pre-millennial, pre-tribulation rapture view of Revelation and teaches from that perspective in this course.

The Workbook

The workbook for Revelation is 330-pages long and contains Q&A for every session. You can use this workbook for self-directed study and in study groups or classrooms where assessment regarding material comprehension is needed. The PDF version of this workbook is fully searchable so you can quickly find the material you’re looking for.

  • 330-Pages
  • Q&A for Every Chapter
  • Searchable
  • Printable

The Slide Deck (PowerPoint and Keynote)

Get the full PowerPoint and Keynote slide decks (1,500+ slides) that were used in creation of the Revelation Credo Course by Dr. Mark Hitchcock.

These slide decks are perfect for small groups or classroom-type settings. Teach the same course Dr. Hitchcock taught using the exact same slides we used to create this course.

Four Distinct Ages in Revelation

  • Phase I – The Church Age
  • Phase II – The Tribulation Age
  • Phase III – The Kingdom Age
  • Phase IV – The Eternal Age

List of Course Sessions

  1. An Introduction to the Book of Revelation
  2. 4 Views of the Timing of the Events in Revelation
  3. Dating the Book of Revelation
  4. The Lordship of Christ (Part 1)
  5. The Lordship of Christ (Part 2)
  6. The Letters of Christ (Part 1)
  7. The Letters of Christ (Part 2)
  8. Prelude to the Tribulation (Part 1)
  9. Prelude to the Tribulation (Part 2)
  10. The First 6 Seal Judgments
  11. Interlude of Encouragement
  12. The 7th Seal and Trumpets 1-4
  13. The Abyss and Trumpets 5-6
  14. A Strong Angel with a Little Scroll
  15. The Temple, Two Witnesses, and The Trumpet of God
  16. The War of the Ages
  17. The Two Beasts
  18. A Preview of Coming Attractions
  19. The Temple of Doom and the 7 Bowls
  20. The 7 Bowls
  21. Babylon and the Bible (Part 1)
  22. Babylon and the Bible (Part 2)
  23. The 2nd Coming of Christ
  24. Reign, Rebellion, and Retribution
  25. The Final Revolt of Satan
  26. A New Heaven and Earth
  27. The Healing of the Nations

Additional information


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2 reviews for Revelation – Mark Hitchcock

  1. jamiem

    Thankful for this course on the book of Revelation! I’ve been going through the sessions ahead of time in preparation for a class I will be facilitating, and so far have found Dr. Mark Hitchcock’s presentations to be highly informative and irenic in tone. In my opinion he presents the four major views on the book of Revelation in a fair and balanced way, while offering evidence in support of his own premillennial, pretribulational view. What I appreciate most about Dr. Hitchcock’s lectures is that he removes the sensationalism that is all too often associated with the pre-trib position, while at the same time offering students of Scripture a hermeneutically-sound treatment of the text. I feel there is just the right amount of in-depth teaching that makes this course academically rigorous yet accessible to the average layperson. It’s a much-needed primer on the book of Revelation and I’m excited to be able go through it and to share it with others. Kudos to Dr. Hitchcock and for making this resource available.

  2. Pat M.

    Professor Hitchcock presents a straight-forward dispensational, pretribulational, premillennial reading of the Apocalypse. While I found his position and argumentation rather unconvincing, I appreciated the clarity of his presentation and especially his decision to eschew sensationalism and most speculation about modern geo-politics. Prof H. mostly does not pretend to know precise details of how events will unfold and he consistently appeals to the text to justify his positions. I watched the lectures hoping to gain a better understanding of the dispensational pre-trib position so I could avoid caricature in conversations with family members of that persuasion. I am happy to report that is exactly what I found. Prof. H’s humble and (mostly) charitable presentation was a welcome contrast to the condescending tone that characterizes too many discussions of eschatology. Though I remain unconvinced of his position, I found many of his devotional reflections to be edifying and I can give a hearty amen to his emphasis on the bottom line: Jesus wins.

    For those looking for a non-dispensational exposition of Revelation, D.A. Carson has an excellent free lecture series on The Gospel Coalition’s website in the resources section.
    Finally, without getting into the merits of his interpretive approach, I had a few minor critiques: (1) His lecture on the different interpretive approaches was misleadingly simplistic because he largely neglects eclecticism (beyond a casual mention of Greg Beale at the end). While the four traditional categories certainly have value, many of the most important commentaries of the last few decades have adopted some form or other of an eclectic approach (e.g., Ladd, Mounce, Osborne, Beale, A. F. Johnson, Schreiner). It would be unreasonable to expect him to interact with every eclectic combination, but there are several distinct flavors that deserve more attention because of their prominence and because they do not fit the stereotypes of the traditional categories (e.g., the preter/futurism of Ladd, Mounce, Beasley-Murray, etc. or the idealist/historical/futurist synthesis of Beale, Johnson, Schreiner etc.). Listeners are left without any conception of the position that many people actually hold.
    (2) He sometimes caricatures the positions he disagrees with rather than presenting the strongest form of their arguments. While he is mostly fair and judicious with differing interpretations, it gets frustrating to hear him dismiss a rather wooden interpretation (which few would affirm) without addressing the much stronger variant of that position which scholars actually hold (his discussion of alternative approaches to ch. 12 were particularly egregious)

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